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DE NF 10 drainage protection mat
  • DE NF 10 drainage protection mat

BauderGREEN DE NF 10

Green and Blue roofs

Single layer multi-directional drainage and protection layer. 

This product provides filtration and drainage beneath hard and soft landscaping. As well as protection for the underlying waterproofing. It is highly resistant under loading. DE NF 10 provides a stable base to support walkways or platform mounted equipment without compromising the capacity for drainage. 

Product details

CharacteristicTest MethodUnitValue
WeightEN 1848-1kg/m²0.75
Size (supplied in rolls)12 x 1.25 
MaterialHigh density polyethylene with geo-textile fleece bonded to the crowns

All further technical information is stated on the data sheet.
This product does not require a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) or Declaration of Performance (DoP).

DE NF 10 drainage protection mat