Green Roofs
Supporting nature and people with vegetated areas on flat roofs. Better for everyone and better for the environment.
Green roofs for new build construction and existing buildings
Green roofs deliver varying levels of benefits to a building, people, the environment, and sustainability. A green roof can be advanced with a solar PV array for renewable energy generation and a blue roof to assist in the prevention of localised flooding for stormwater attenuation.
A green roof is specified for many different reasons encompassing increasing outdoor spaces to enhance the building's use, satisfy planning conditions, meet targets for retaining and supporting biodiversity and net zero, and oppose climate change.
On retrofit projects weight loading is a key consideration and some extensive green roofs can be confirmed as suitable without additional support to the roof structure.

Outline of green roof systems
- Solutions for new build and refurbishment projects
- Portfolio of compatible Bauder waterproofing systems
- Landscaping components to meet the needs of the green roof finish
- Variety of extensive vegetation options
- Comprehensive range of guarantee packages to suit project requirements, including enhancing with a biosolar and blue roof
Achieving technical objectives
- FLL Guidelines and GRO Code of Best Practice adopted
- BauderGREEN XF 301 fire tested, classified to BS EN 13505-5
- Solutions contribute to BREEAM rating assessment
Six steps is all it takes
Brief and consultation
You give us your remit either at your office or on site. We will discuss the green roof project; site suitability, level of access required, falls and drainage, weight loadings, performance expectations, preferred system application, your budget and how the programme of works can be formulated.
Roof review
Upon determining that a green roof is a suitable and practical addition to your building we will perform a detailed appraisal of all roof areas to fully assess the design considerations. Once the vegetation finish has been decided the structural and design considerations, and green roof components can they be proposed.
Report, design and specification service
Designing to protect the building's construction and flat roof waterproofing is vital when delivering a green roof as many additional forces can affect the structure. The detailed report and specification package you will receive takes into account these factors and not only answers your original brief but also meets the needs of the building.
Contractor selection
The Bauder approved contractors best placed to deliver your green roof will competitively price and tender for your project. Our national network of contractors undergo a rigorous selection process and their installers are trained specifically in the application of our systems, so you are ensured expert installation.
Installation of the green roof solution
Once the Bauder approved contractor has been appointed, a pre-contract meeting will make sure that the project delivery is well coordinated. The works are closely monitored by Bauder site technicians with regular inspections and 'live' time reports to ensure quality and waterproof integrity of the roof.
Sign off, guarantee and maintenance
A full final inspection is completed on the works by our site technician team following rigorous approval criteria before the guarantee is issued. Our comprehensive range of guarantee packages fulfil cover requirements for the project (dependent on system/product selection).
Green roof solutions
A Bauder green roof combines the finished planting scheme with its supportive components and a secure waterproofing system all covered by a single guarantee.
We have different system categories depending on the green roof finish you want to achieve, and all can be specified in unison on one roof area. Choose from:
- BauderEXTENSIVE - Lightweight, low maintenance, vegetation swathes for instant greening of the roof
- BauderBIODIVERSE - Creating substitute habitats for flora, insects and fauna
- BauderINTENSIVE - Accessible rooftop gardens and recreational spaces
- BauderHARDSCAPE - Pedestrian and vehicular access areas or for a full roof area
Extensive green roofs are designed to be low-maintenance, lightweight systems with no general access. Typically, they have thin layers of substrate to keep depth and weight to a minimum. A substrate-based green roof will often incorporate a mixed vegetation scheme chosen to suit the project and location. Extensive green roofs are delivered for a variety of reasons, the most popular being for biodiversity and meeting a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP).
Sedum system enables green roofs to be installed on structures with very low-weight loadings.
Discover moreBauderEXTENSIVE SEDUMsubstrate
Sedum planting for low maintenance vegetated roof on a substrate based system.
Discover moreBauderEXTENSIVE PLANTsubstrate
Plug plants, blanket vegetation and seed mixes are a broader way of creating a green roof without using sedum plants.
Discover more
A biodiverse roof aims to replicate as far as is practical the ecological requirements of the local area. The natural habitats created are designed to support a variety of plants, birds, animals and invertebrates. The careful design and construction of these habitats is key to conforming to the local Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) or the site's Urban Greening Factor (UGF) commitment.
Designed for publicly accessed rooftops and podiums that need to have high-quality, reliable landscape build ups. Garden planting schemes require greater depths of substrate and the overall weight of the solution dictates the construction of the supporting structure and the green roof components required to sustain the vegetation.
Used predominantly on courtyard podiums with heavy vehicular access where keeping the total build-up height of the system and providing a completely flat paved surface is important in helping reduce construction costs. This can be particularly effective when used to provide a permeable paving system.
Including a photovoltaic solution or blue roof
Suitable for extensive green roofs, and blue roofs when a vegetated finish is specified, our BauderSOLAR G LIGHT PV solution uses the substrate as the ballasting mechanism to secure the array to the roof.
We also have our BauderSOLAR F flat roof solar PV solution where a green roof finish isn't required.
The BauderBLUE STORMsub is a blue roof with a vegetated finish can be specified for SuDS and stormwater attenuation.
An integrated solution for mounting photovoltaic renewable energy on a green roof or a blue roof.
Discover moreBlue Roofs
Explore our BauderBLUE roof systems for SuDS and stormwater attenuation.
Discover moreBauderBLUE STORMsub
A blue roof within a green roof where the substrate and water retention board attenuate stormwater.
Discover more
Why clients choose us
Customers choose us because of the way in which we do business, our robust advice on the right system, and our approach to delivering projects. We work alongside clients to deliver the best solution for a building from our broad portfolio of systems.
We assist you with the design of the detailing, writing the specifications for the flat roof solution, and recommend suitable approved contractors to tender for the project.
The service is without charge, and we work with you to ensure your roof specification meets all your needs and that of the building.
A selection of our green roof projects
University of Manchester
Bauder Total Green Roof System (BTGRS)
- Refurbishment
- North West
- Education
- Bitumen
- Extensive Green Roof, Biodiverse Green Roof
Read moreCentre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI)
CABI is an inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. The curve of the roof, which at some points reached a pitch of over 30 degrees, posed a number of challenges.
- New Build
- South East
- Commercial
- Single Ply
- Extensive Green Roof
Read moreBenson House
Bauder Bakor 790-11 hot melt structural waterproofing with intensive green roof
- Refurbishment
- Yorkshire and The Humber
- Commercial
- Hot Melt
- Intensive Green Roof
Read moreFulham Jetty
Bauder Bakor 790-11 hot melt structural system with Bauderflex waterproofing system and BauderGREEN sedum system
- Refurbishment
- London
- Art & Leisure
- Bitumen, Hot Melt
- Extensive Green Roof, Biodiverse Green Roof
Read moreJodrell Bank Discovery Centre - First Light Pavilion
The First Light Pavilion is a world-leading space observatory, that forms part of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester. This project won the Green Roofing award at the NFRC UK Roofing Awards 2023.
- New Build
- North West
- Education
- Bitumen
- Intensive Green Roof
Read more
Additional support
Our ethos is to support you through every stage of your project, from concept and design to system selection, installation, inspection, sign-off, guarantee and beyond. We don't just supply products to a distributor - we collaborate with you and care about the success of the projects you deliver.
Technical Centre
Access a variety of free downloads including BIM objects, NBS specifications, CAD detail drawings, certifications, brochures and maintenance guides.
Find out moreCPDs and e-learning
We provide bespoke presentations developed to your knowledge requirements, and tailored towards a project you are working on.
Find out moreFAQs
In our Frequently Asked Questions, section, we've compiled answers to the most common queries to help you quickly find the information you need.
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Useful downloads

Contact us today about your green roof project
Each project is unique in its requirements, and we have lots of resources and examples of our work available to help guide you. If you are looking for a green roof solution for a new build or refurbishment project, then get in touch with our team to discuss your project’s individual needs.