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Wadham College rooftop with BauderGREEN components

Wadham College, University of Oxford

Bauder Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt structural waterproofing system with BauderGREEN components

Project Type:
Environmental Focus:
Intensive Green Roof
Hot Melt, Green Roof
South East


The University of Oxford’s Wadham College graduate centre project was a complex refurbishment. Led by Lee Fitzgerald Architects and main contractor Feltham Construction it involved the careful restoration, adaptation and extension of the 1960’s grade II listed building.
  • Wadham College rooftop terrace with BauderGREEN components
  • Greenery at Wadham College
  • Greenery on Wadham College roof terrace
  • Modern design of staircase leading to Wadham College roof terrace

Bauder Building Board


Wadham College

Roof size

439 m²


Lee Fitzgerald Architects

Main contractor

Feltham Construction

Approved contractor

Deane Roofing & Cladding

The specification 

The brief for the project was to renovate the graduate centre and to link to the main college by creating a new entrance to the building. This led to the construction of a new building, the McCall MacBain Graduate Centre, which also now provides access to the Barbara Naylor rooftop gardens above the different reading, media and seminar rooms of the graduate centre. With the ageing existing waterproofing exceeding its life expectancy, the roof garden terrace was in need of a replacement roof system.

As an accessible area which will experience a significant amount of foot traffic, the Bauder Hot Melt was determined to be the best solution for this roof. With a durability to match the expected life of the building and a self-healing system, the Bauder Bakor Hot Melt System is ideal for use on protected roofs such as inverted, paved, ballasted and terrace roofs.

Products applied

Bakor 790-11:
Hot applied, rubberised bitumen formulated to provide a monolithic fully bonded roofing and waterproofing membrane.

The result

Approved contractor Deane Roofing & Cladding carefully removed 439m² of the existing waterproofing, stripping the rooftop back to the concrete deck surface before installing the different layers of the Hot Melt system.

The completed roof terrace now provides a modern and peaceful garden area where graduate students can relax and socialise between their work periods. Following several site visits by Bauder’s expert Site Technicians and a final leak test, a 20 year guarantee was issued for the roof terrace.

System Build Up

Bauder Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing System

Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Structural waterproofing System with BauderGREEN Components

Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Structural waterproofing System with BauderGREEN Components

Bauder Hot Melt Waterproofing System is designed for use in inverted or buried roof scenarios. It is a hot-applied polymer-modified bitumen waterproofing applied in two layers with a polyester reinforcement. 

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