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Cold weather can affect the performance of adhesive and cold applied liquid products

Storage of roofing adhesives and cold applied liquids

Keep your products in a well-ventilated, but covered store with temperatures between 5-25°C. This will ensure they are ready to use and will produce the expected coverage rates. If the products have not been kept in this temperature bracket, we advise that you try to raise the material to an ambient temperature before you start applying. Do not leave the products exposed to the elements and be mindful that temperatures can drop significantly overnight.

Product properties

When liquid products are cold, their viscosity can increase, essentially making the product thicker and more difficult to apply. To prevent this, keep your products in a conditioned room of ideally 10°C. Canisters stored at low temperatures for long periods of time can be subject to lowered pressure within the can making it more difficult to push out the thickened liquid. That being said, coverage rates of canisters will be more consistent than roller applied products at lower temperatures.

Allowing for extended cure times

Cold air and substrate temperatures on site can lead to longer cure times for adhesives and PU cold applied liquids. Adjust project schedules to allow for the product to achieve its full bond as the chemical reaction will be slowed. A general rule of thumb is that every 10°C decrease in temperature will double the reaction time. Be aware that below 5°C, adhesives may not cure and should not be applied.

Prepare your substrates

Adhesive and liquid should only be applied to clean, dry surfaces. With the increased likelihood of rain, dew, and frost in the winter months, take special care to ensure your substrate is free from moisture or contamination before you start work.