Designing a blue roof

Considerations for a rooftop sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) in flood sensitive areas.

A BauderBLUE roof is a solution for urban areas where options for ground-based attenuation systems are limited and where construction is being carried out within flood sensitive areas.

This presentation examines the key aspects to meet the planning conditions for limiting water egress from a site, the current legislation and British Standards and codes of practice. The practical elements cover the design of a blue roof, the drainage mechanism, construction of the roof deck, suitable waterproofing, outlets, components, detailing, and the options for the final visual finish.

On completion

You will understand how a rooftop SUDS delivers water attenuation over a 24hr period to manage stormwater and how to design a successful blue roof.

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Call Jonathan Huggins, CPD Co-ordinator, on 01473 261258 or use our contact form.